Woodborough’s Heritage

Woodborough, a Sherwood Forest Village, recorded in Domesday

When you have visited an old church you may have often seen a framed list of Incumbents going back to its foundation. We now have one [February 1963] in our own church thanks to Dick and Greta Armytage. Mrs Armytage has carefully done the script, it is a most beautiful piece of work and it has taken her a long time, she and her husband have given the excellent frame which now adorns the Baptistry wall.

The considerable research involved had been carried out by the late Mr K S Train of the Thoroton Society who delved into the archives at Southwell and elsewhere. Before Train though, the Rev’d W E Buckland carried out his own extensive research publishing his findings in a book in 1897 entitled, “The History of Woodborough and the Prebendal Church of Woodborough in the Peculiar of Southwell”. This book is reproduced elsewhere on this website. The list of incumbents in the Rev’d. Buckland’s book is incomplete and there are also some inconsistencies between the two lists. However, we have a list, which goes back to 1200, and is as complete as it is possible to make it.

There is a list of Prebends within the website for “Churches of Southwell & Nottingham”. Differences are noted between their list and the one below, which one is complete and correct? Probably neither. http://southwellchurches.nottingham.ac.uk/woodborough  

Key to initials used below: 

C.I. = Curate in Charge.  

Mort = Died in Office. 

Resig = Resigned. 

M.A. = Master of Arts.  

LLd. = Doctor of Law. 

S.T.P. = Professor of Sacred Theology.

D.D. = Doctor of Divinity. 

B.D. = Bachelor of Divinity. 

Ch.B. = Bachelor of Chirurgiae. 

A.K.C. = Associate of King's College.

St Swithun's Church - Prebends, Vicars and Patrons


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