Woodborough’s Heritage

Woodborough, a Sherwood Forest Village, recorded in Domesday

Woodborough is a large straggling village, in a narrow dale near the Dover Beck, 8 miles north-east by north of Nottingham. It’s parish contains 774 inhabitants and about 1800 acres of land. The common was enclosed in 1798, when 252 acres were allotted to the three prebendaries of Oxton and Woodborough, 66a. 1r. 1p. to John Taylor, Esq., and 53a. 3r. 11p. to the late John Bainbridge Story, Esq., in lieu of the great tithes and their manorial claims; they being both impropriators and lords of the manor, which is now in three divisions called Prebendal, the Copyhold, and the Freehold estates. The latter now belongs to William Taylor, Esq. The hall, occupied by William Worth, Esq., was the seat of the Strelleys and Bainbridges, and now belongs, with the Copyhold estate, to the three co-heiresses of the late J. B. Story, Esq.

The church is a large fabric dedicated to St Swithen, and has some fragments of ancient armorial glass in its windows. It is a curacy, and has been augmented with Queen Anne's Bounty. The Prebendaries of Oxton and the patrons, and the Rev. Charles Fowler the incumbent. The Baptists and Methodists have each a chapel here. The feast is on the Sunday after the 2nd July. The Free School, founded by the Rev. Montague Wood in 1736, now possesses a yearly income of £95, arising from a farm of 58a. 2r. 1p. at Blidworth, and a cottage and 7a. 4r. 31p. at Stapleford. The poor have 20s and the singers 20s yearly, from the bequest of William Edge in 1796, and the former have 50s yearly, as the rent of Nether Close in Calverton parish, which was awarded to them at the enclosure.

Alvey Samuel - bricklayer

Blyton Stephen - blacksmith

Gadsby John - victualler Four Bells

Greaves Benjamin - butcher

Hewes Rev’d. James, curate and master of the free school

Hogg William - victualler Cock & Falcon

Hucknall Mr Joseph

Lee Thomas - butcher

Moore W. - game dir. Grimesmoor

Orme John - blacksmith

Rose Benjamin and John - wheelwrights

Sardison David - miller, Dover Beck

Toplis John - brickmaker

Toplis John Junior - beerhouse

Wood Thomas - victualler, Punch Bowl

Worth William Esq., Woodborough Hall


Allen William

Branston J.T.

Brett Mr

Butler Samuel, Moorfield

Clay Richard

Cumberland Ann

Donnelly William

Duke William, Brockwell

Flinders Samuel, Miers Copy [Coppice ?]

Glover Mordecai

Howett Sarah

Hucknall W.C.

Lee John

Matthews Samuel, Stoop Hill

Pocklington John

Robinson Edward, Riddings

Stephenson John

B. Net makers

Middleton Joseph

Hogg William

Stephenson Sl

Williamson Fs - Shoemakers

Baguley Joseph

Foster Thomas

Glover John


Brown George

Crafts Richard

Maids Moses

Richardson Pl

Wild William


Clay William

Hind James & Joseph


Gadsby John

Hogg William


John Bish, James Caunt and William Poole,

Grimesmoor to Nottingham Wednesdays &

Saturdays, and John Bish to Tuxford Mondays.

White’s Directory 1832

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