Woodborough’s Heritage

Woodborough, a Sherwood Forest Village, recorded in Domesday

Site index - Page updated 5th April 2024

1066 - History of Woodborough Hall

1086 - Woodborough at Domesday

1100 - St Swithun’s Church history

1335 - Woodborough Hall - Strelley Deeds 1335 & 1337

1400 - Woodborough field names from

1609 - Woodborough in - forest by Richard Banks

1677 - Thoroton’s Visitation

1764 - Archbishop Drummond’s Visitation

1795 - Woodborough Enclosure - Index

1827 - History of the Institute

1839 - Cock & Falcon notice - sale of land & buildings

1841 - Shop & Trades from Censuses

1876 - Woodborough Hall Estate - sale catalogue

1880 - Woodborough Brass Band

1894 - Woodborough Hall - Estate sale catalogue

1894 - Woodborough Newsletter

1896 - Buckland’s Account of Framework Knitting

1896 - Buckland’s History of Woodborough

1908 - Thoroton Society transactions

1918 - Wind Pumps

1922 - Woodborough Hall Estate sale - introduction & catalogue

1940 - Bosworth’s Woodborough 1940

1941 - Fox Wood

1951 - Jubilee (Festival of Britain)

1956 - Woodborough in

1966 - Woodborough Hall in

1966 - Woodborough Plane Crash

1968 - Countryside Treasures by the WI

1969 - Woodborough Down your way

1970 - Woodborough by Maureen Brackenbury

1981 - Woodborough by Mannie Foster

1981 - Train on Churches

1982 - Fox Wood - a new future?

1994 - Flooding in Woodborough

1999 - Flooding of the Sycke Dyke

2000 - Woodborough Millennium Beacon

2000 - Woodborough Millennium Tapestry

2004 - Co-op Site (The)

2004 - Woodborough Hall restaurant

2004 - Woodborough Village Sign

2004 - Woods Foundation School reunion

2005 - Fox wood archaeological dig

2005 - Woodborough flooding precautions

2005 - Woodborough in Bloom

2007 - Woodborough floods

2007 - Woodborough floods photographic record

2007 - Woodborough floods public meeting

2007 - Woodborough floods - what has happened since?

2008 - St Swithun’s Church Bells Project

2010 - Woods Foundation School - new fence

2014 - Woodborough Post Office & News closes

2016 - Woodborough Post Office & Spar shop opens

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A.J. Evans Rev’d.

Act of Parliament to close the church graveyard

Allotments of Woodborough

Alvey births

Alvey marriages

Alvey burials

Antiquities, with Trade & Manufacture by John Blackner 1815

Archaeological dig 2005 (Fox Wood)

Bainbridge, Elizabeth (Woodborough worthy)

Band of Hope - Church

Baptist Chapel - History of 

Baptist Chapel - 1883 Lilly's School

Baptist Chapel - Internment

Bill Whysall 1887-1930

Billy the Pig (Wood's Foundation School)

Bish family

Blackner’s John - Antiquities, Trade & Manufacture

Blake, Stacey (Woodborough worthy)

Book Exchange (Woodborough)

Bosworth’s Woodborough 1940

Brass Band (Woodborough)

Bread Ovens in Woodborough

Brick making in Woodborough

Brown, Rev’d. George (Woodborough worthy)

Brown, Rev'd George - Memories of a Village Evangelists

Buckland by Peter Saunders

Buckland, Rev’d. Walter E. (Woodborough worthy)

Buckland’s obituary

Buckland’s History of Woodborough 1896 (title & preface)

Buckland’s History of Woodborough 1896 (summaries of content)

Buckland’s (Chapter 01 Woodborough before the Conquest)

Buckland’s (Chapter 02 Woodborough at the Conquest)

Buckland’s (Chapter 03 The Lords of Woodborough)

Buckland’s (Chapter 04 The Lacocks)

Buckland’s (Chapter 05 Southwell Minster & Woodborough Church)

Buckland’s (Chapter 06 Decay & Restoration of Woodborough Church)

Buckland’s (Chapter 07 Southwell Minster & the Prebends)

Buckland’s (Chapter 08 the Prebends of Woodborough)

Buckland’s (Chapter 09 Southwell Minster & the Reformation)

Buckland’s (Chapter 10 William Lee & the stocking frame)

Buckland’s (Chapter 11 the Civil Wars)

Buckland’s (Chapter 12 the Vicars of Woodborough

Buckland’s (Chapter 13 the Woods & Wood’s School

Buckland’s (Chapter 14 Woodborough Hall)

Buckland’s (Chapter 15 the Woodborough Registers & Papers)

Buckland’s account of framework knitting 1896

Buildings of interest including listed

Burgess David - Olympic Torch Bearer 2012

Bus Services to Woodborough

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Calverton Lido

Carriers, of Woodborough

Carriers, of Nottinghamshire

Celery Show, Nag's Head

Cemetery (Woodborough) burial records

Cemetery (Woodborough) Roe Hill

Chapel (Baptist)

Charities of Woodborough

Charles Hose Hill

Charles Hose Hill (services to Woodborough)

Church (St Swithun’s) introduction

Church (St Swithun's) history from 1100

Church Bells history of pre 2008

Church (St Swithun's) bells project 2008

Church (St Swithun's) Bellringers

Church (St Swithun's) 50 years of bell ringing

Church (St Swithun's) clock

Church (St Swithun's) mass dials and graffiti

Church (St Swithun's) organ

Church (St Swithun's) restorations

Church (St Swithun's) windows and saints

Church (St Swithun's) prebends, vicars and patrons

Church (St Swithun's) 600th anniversary

Churchyard (St Swithun's) introduction

Churchyard (St Swithun's) Closure Act of Parliament

Churchyard (St Swithun's) survey of memorials - Updated 2010

Churchyard (St Swithun's) appendix to survey

Churchyard (St Swithun's) survey of fauna and flora

Church (Methodist) from 1960

Church (Methodist) from 1985

Church (Methodist) refurbishment in 2009

Co-op shop closure 2001

Co-op site (The) Flooding

Community Association (Woodborough)

Community Study 19th Century Woodborough

Community Study 1967 - C Wardle

Community Study 1974 - S Jones

Community Study 1990 - Woodborough Local History Group

Connie Gee

Countryside Treasures by the WI 1968

Court Leet Jury (Woodborough)

Court Leet / Admission

Cricket Club (Woodborough)

Deaths - Sundry

Directories Index

Domesday (Woodborough at 1086)

Dovecote (The) Woodborough

Doverbeck Mills

Drains, dykes & flooding introduction

Drummonds Visitation 1764

Dykes at Enclosure 1795

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Earthquakes or mining activity?

Elizabeth Bainbridge (Woodborough worthy)

Enclosure - (Woodborough) a new interpretation

Enclosure - fields & manors (Woodborough)

Estate sale catologue 1876

Estate sale catologue 1894

Estate sale catalogue 1922

Evans, Rev. A.J.

Evening Classes

Farming, history of, by Peter Saunders

Farms from directories

Feast Steam Evenings - end of an era

Festival of Britain - Woodborough Jubilee 1951

Field names from 1400 (Woodborough)

Floods - Drains, Dykes Introduction

Floods - Land Drainage & Farming Practices

Floods - Water Mains, a History of burst pipes

Floods - Photographs from previous floods

Floods - a Nottingham Evening Post report, December 1994

Floods - Flooding of the Sycke Dyke in January 1999

Floods - Planning Application for the Co-op Site, August 2004

Floods - Woodborough flooding precautions, a public meeting.

Floods - Woodborough flooding, June & July 2007

Floods - a photographic record of flooding, Summer 2007

Floods - a Woodborough public meeting to discuss flooding.

Floods - Woodborough flooding, what has happened since 2007?

Football Club, (Woodborough United)

Foster, John Mansfield 1912-2006 (Woodborough worthy)

Fox Wood (Woodborough)

Fox Wood (Woodborough) 1941

Fox Wood (Woodborough) 1982 - 1985 a vegitation survey

Fox Wood (Woodborough) Victoria County report

Fox Wood (Woodborough) 2005 archaeological dig

Framework Knitting (Buckland’s account in 1896)

Framework knitting in Woodborough (introduction to the history)

Frank Small (Sir)

Frumenty Feast

Gee Connie

George Brown Rev’d. (Woodborough worthy)

German POW's act of kindness

Girl's Friendly Society

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Hearth Tax 1662-1689

Hill, Charles Hose

Hill, Charles Hose (services to Woodborough)

History of Farming by David Rose

History of Farming by Peter Saunders


Horticultural Society history

Hoskins, Shirley 1927-2010

Institute (The) a history from 1827

Introduction to the history of framework knitting in Woodborough

Introduction to the History of Woodborough

John Mansfield Foster 1912-2006 (Woodborough worthy)

John Richardson

Joseph Marriott (Woodborough worthy)

Joseph Marriott’s History of Woodborough

Jubilee 1951 (Festival of Britain)

Land drainage & farming practices

Land Tax 1692

Lapwing Trail (Woodborough)

Lee (William) Knitting Invention by Negley Harte

Lee (William) 1838-1920

Liber Albus (White Book) book of Southwell

Lichfield, Nina 1901-2002

Lido (Calverton)

Lilly's School (Baptist Chapel)

Links to other appropriate websites

Local History Group programme of events (Woodborough)

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Male Friendly Society (Woodborough) - Julie O'Neill version

Male Friendly Society (Woodborough) - Peter Saunders version

Male Friendly Society - Dissolution

Mannie Foster's account of bombing in Woodborough

Manor House - history of the Middle Manor

Manor Farm & stables

Manor House - Robert Howett - Munden's Hall

Mansfield Parkyns 1823-1894 (Woodborough worthy)

Mansfield Parkyns obituary & eulogies

Marriott, Joseph (Woodborough worthy)

Marriott’s (Joseph) History of Woodborough


Melvyn's Memories of Woodborough

Methodist Church

Methodist Church 1985

Methodist Church Non-Conformists & Wesleyan

Methodist Church Primitive

Methodist Church (Primitive) - The Story of the Years

Methodist Wesleyan New Chapel

Methodist Church renovations 2009

Mill (The) Woodborough

Mills on the Doverbeck

Millennium Beacon (Woodborough)

Millennium Tapestry (Woodborough)

Millholme Models at the Old School

Minutes of The Institute

Munden's Hall (Manor Farm)

Nags Head celery show

Nether Hall (Old Manor Farm)

Newsletter (Woodborough)

Nina Lichfield 1901-2002

Nineteenth Century Woodborough - Community Study

Non-Conformists & Wesleyan (Methodist Church)

Nora Wright - Poems & photos

Nottinghamshire County Records of the 18th century

Nottinghamshire orchards

Nottinghamshire Village Book by Notts WI

Old Manor Farm (Nether Hall)

Old Vicarage - Introduction

Old Vicarage (Woodborough)

Olympic Torch Bearer 2012 - David Burgess

Orchards of Nottinghamshire

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Parish Registers (Woodborough) from 1538

Parochial/Village Halls

Parkyns, Mansfield 1823-1894 (Woodborough worthy)

Parkyns - A life of Sunshine

Parkyns, Mansfield obituary & eulogies

Parochial Hall/Village Halli Hall/Village Hall

Pevsner Buildings of England

Photographic Recording Group (Woodborough)

Photographic records of flooding, Summer 2007

Photographs from previous floods

Pig Club

Pinfold (The) Woodborough

Pioneer Club

Plane crash (Woodborough)1966

Plane crash (Woodborough) 50th anniversary 2016

Ploughman Wood (Woodborough)

Poor Houses (Woodborough)

Post Office & Telephone Exchange

Primitive Methodist Church

Primitive Methodists - The Story of the Years

Private Road - Creation of

Protestation Returns 1641/42

Pubs & Beerhouses of Woodborough

Pubs - Cock & Falcon sale 1839

Pubs - Punch Bowl Inquest 1847

Pubs - Punch Bowl Assigns & Indenture 1856

Pubs from directories

Richard Strelley (Woodborough worthy)

Richardson, John

Robert Howett (Manor House)

Rural District Nurse

Shirley Hoskins 1927-2010

Shops & Trades in Woodborough by Peter Saunders

Shops & Trades - from directories 1841

Shops & Trades from censuses 1841-1901

Small Sir Frank

Snow storm of 1990 - was this the worst in living memory

Spree Alan book of photographs

St Swithun's Church Introduction

St Swithun's Church history from 1100

St Swithun's Church bells history of

St Swithun's Church bells project 2008

St Swithun's Church Bellringers

St Swithun’s Church Bellringers - 50 Years of bell ringing

St Swithun's Church clock

St Swithun's Church mass dials and graffiti

St Swithun's Church organ

St Swithun's Church restorations

St Swithun's Church windows and saints

St Swithun's Church prebends, vicars and patrons

St Swithun's Church 600th anniversary

St Swithun's Churchyard introduction

St Swithun's Churchyard closure Act of Parliament

St Swithun's Churchyard survey of memorials - Updated 2010

St Swithun's Churchyard appendix to survey

St Swithun's Churchyard survey of fauna and flora

Stacey Blake (Woodborough worthy)

Stanley Wood (Woodborough)

Strelley Deeds (Woodborough Hall) 1335 & 1337

Strelley, Richard (Woodborough worthy)

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Telephone Exchange & Post Office (Woodborough)

Terms of use & conditions

Terriers for years 1660, 1753 & 1770

Thoroton Society Transactions 1908

Thoroton’s Visitation 1677

Thoroton's later visitations

Timeline (Dates of reigns for Kings & Queens of England)

Timmermans, History of

Trades Directories introduction

Trade Directory 1832 - Whites

Trade Directory 1844 - Whites

Trade Directory 1848 - Lascelles & Hagar

Trade Directory 1853 - Whites

Trade Directory 1855 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1864 - Whites

Trade Directory 1868 - Wrights

Trade Directory 1869 - Morris

Trade Directory 1871 - Wrights

Trade Directory 1874 - Wrights

Trade Directory 1879 - Wrights

Trade Directory 1881 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1883 - Wrights

Trade Directory 1885 - Wrights

Trade Directory 1888 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1889 - Wrights

Trade Directory 1891 - Wrights

Trade Directory 1893 - Wrights

Trade Directory 1894 - Whites

Trade Directory 1895 - Wrights

Trade Directory 1895 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1897 - Wrights

Trade Directory 1899 - Wrights

Trade Directory 1899 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1900 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1904 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1908 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1912 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1916 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1922 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1925 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1928 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1932 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1936 - Kellys

Trade Directory 1941 - Kellys

Trades & Manufactures extracts from White’s Directory 1864

Trails - Introduction

Train on Churches 1981


Victoria County History (Fox Wood)

Visitation by Archbishop Drummond 1764

Visitation by Thoroton 1677

Village sign (Woodborough)

Village Traditions

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Walter E. Buckland Rev’d. (Woodborough worthy)

Ward family

War Memorial introduction (Woodborough)

War Memorial to World War I service men

War Memorial to World War II service men

Water mains - a history of burst pipes

Water pumps (wind)

Wednesday Club

Wesleyan (Methodists) New Chapel

White Book (Liber Albus) of Southwell

Whysall, Bill 1887-1930

WI trail (Woodborough)

William Alvey 1909-1986

William Lee 1838-1920

William Lee’s Knitting Invention by Negley Harte

Wills & Inventories

Wind Turbine (Park Farm)

Wind water pumps

Wood Family (Manor House)

Wood's Foundation School - Billy the Pig

Wood's Foundation School - fence 2010

Wood's Foundation School - headteachers

Wood's Foundation School - school bell

Wood's Foundation School 1736-1878

Wood's Foundation School 1878-1968

Wood's Foundation School 1968-2007

Wood's School - Commissioners report

Wood's Foundation School reunion 2004

Woodborough (an Introduction to the History of)

Woodborough (brick making) Brickyard on Bank Hill

Woodborough - earthquakes or mining activity?

Woodborough 1940 by Bosworth

Woodborough 60 years ago

Woodborough a Sherwood Forest Village

Woodborough allotments

Woodborough at Domesday 1086

Woodborough Book Exchange

Woodborough Brass Band

Woodborough bread ovens

Woodborough Carriers

Woodborough Cemetery burial records

Woodborough Cemetery Roe Hill

Woodborough Charities

Woodborough Community Association

Woodborough Court Leet Jury

Woodborough Cricket Club

Woodborough dovecote

Woodborough During World War 1

Woodborough during World War 2

Woodborough dykes at Enclosure 1795

Woodborough Enclosure - (Woodborough) a new interpretation

Woodborough estate sale catalogue 1876

Woodborough estate sale catalogue 1894

Woodborough estate sale catalogue 1922

Woodborough estate sale - 1922 Introduction

Woodborough field names from 1400

Woodborough flooding - June & July 2007

Woodborough flooding - what has happened since 2007?

Woodborough flooding precautions - a public meeting, Jan 2005

Woodborough Hall - Strelley deeds of 1335 & 1337

Woodborough Hall - Occupiers from 1066

Woodborough Hall Restaurant & wedding venue from 2022

Woodborough Hall staircase windows

Woodborough Home Guard

Woodborough Horticultural Society, history of

Woodborough in 1609 - forests by Richard Banks

Woodborough in 1956

Woodborough in Bloom & Judging

Woodborough in the Nineteenth Century

Woodborough Industrial & Provident Society Store (formerly Co-op)

Woodborough Local History Group, events

Woodborough Male Friendly Society

Woodborough Male Friendly Society

Woodborough Mill

Woodborough Millennium Beacon

Woodborough Millennium Tapestry

Woodborough Newsletter

Woodborough Newsletter (archived copies)

Woodborough Old Vicarage - introduction

Woodborough Old Vicarage

Woodborough Parish Council - origins

Woodborough Parish Council - extracts from minutes

Woodborough Parish Registers from 1538

Woodborough Post Office & News closure & refurbishments 2014 - 2016

Woodborough Photographic Recording Group

Woodborough Pinfold

Woodborough plane crash

Woodborough Poor Houses

Woodborough public meeting to discuss flooding, Sept 2007

Woodborough Telephone Exchange

Woodborough trails - an introduction

Woodborough trails - Lapwing Trail

Woodborough trails - WI trail

Woodborough village sign

Woodborough War Memorial introduction

Woodborough War Memorial World War I service men

Woodborough War Memorial World War II service men

Woodborough Wood's Foundation School - Billy the Pig

Woodborough Wood's Foundation School - fence 2010

Woodborough Wood's Foundation School - head teachers

Woodborough Wood's Foundation School - Sale of land 1881

Woodborough Wood's Foundation School - school bell

Woodborough Wood's Foundation School 1736-1878

Woodborough Wood's Foundation School 1878-1968

Woodborough Wood's Foundation School 1968-2007

Woodborough Wood's Foundation School reunion 2004

Woodlands - in 1609 an introduction

Woodlands - Fox Wood

Woodlands - Fox Wood 1941

Woodlands - Fox Wood 1982 - a new future?

Woodlands - Fox Wood 1985 fauna survey

Woodlands - Fox Wood archaeological dig 2005

Woodlands - Fox Wood by Victoria County History

Woodlands - Ploughman Wood

Woodlands - Stanley Wood

World Refugee Year

World War 1, Woodborough during -

World War 2, Woodborough during -

Wright Nora - Poems & photos

Yards in Woodborough

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